sometimes, i think human tend to think he is greater than God. especially when it comes to judgments.
no human is free from making mistakes, secara sedar atau tidak. but i believe that most wrongdoings are intentional, it's just a matter of repenting or not, in time.
and even that, after all the wrongdoings commited, with God's grace, you're pardoned because of one little tiny good deed, done out of utmost sincerity.
there's no court in the world can be as fair and just, regardless of millions of lawyers.
yes, i, a human being, couldnt run from this fact. i have done some things that i am not proud of, something that i may think it's not serious but it's life and death to others. i'm frivolous that way, i mean life is too precious to be too serious at all times.
i admit i did wrong but i hate the fact how justice is carried out unfairly. this is a lesson for me, and you out there. don't ever believe the person who put you in a sticky position. not even your boss, heck, not even your flesh and blood. yes, sounds harsh, but that's how life is.
your own wrong doing, your own consequences. i just can't believe i blew my chance away, poof just like that! i regret that very much, deeply i must say, but as i say i have to learn to deal with it. all i hope is that there's a positive side behind all this, even though a wrong-doer like me shouldnt get second chances.
when these things happen, you tend to reflect of what you have done in life to be stuck like this. i know that im not a good muslim, i do try to the best i can, im not a good wife either, or a sister or a daughter. but im trying my best...
im thankful for being put into the right path again. thank you Allah.
How to Save a Life #InvisibleIllnessWeek
5 years ago
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