Jan 4, 2011

1st of the '11

oh wow, 2011.

i expected to feel different, but the truth is, i don't even know what to feel or expect for a new year. as if 2011 crept in quietly without much notice. and i never keep track of dates when i'm on holidays. such denial.

except for a few resolutions, which i can't be bothered to write here, for what else is new if not to lose a few pounds, right? ;p

so, i'll just list places that i wish to visit for this year:


that's for now. i have to be realistic this year, since i'm in the process of moving out and money doesn't grow on trees. who would spend 3K on curtains alone?? *cowers behind toilet bowl*

oh yeah, the renovation process. it's coming along nicely, lights and fans have been installed, glass stickers planted on kitchen windows, and... more of cruising around looking for curtains and few furniture. really, i'm all for glasses in a house but knowing the price just to cover them up made me think twice now.

of course, it's going to be rented in a few years time, but as i told my family, i wouldn't want to live in a rented-look place. it's been 3 years and more and i need a place to call my own even for a short period of time. mengada kan.

and yeah, i decided to install kitchen cabinet, which i find quite reasonable the price. got that from syarif's friend. so, i'm expecting to move in by end of this month. let's hope everything goes as planned.

p/s: i just noticed this writing post template is new. even blogger has new resolutions!

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