Apr 11, 2009

false alarm

yesterday, my best childhood friend treated me belated birthday lunch at marco's. i threw up 5 spoonfuls of linguine beef carbonara, a slice of turkey ham pizza, a slice of pana something, a glass of kiwi juice and a glass of water.

i had nothing since morning and i had to throw all that out.

everybody's speculation: i'm pregnant.

couldn't drive back to the office. stopped to rest at tok yang's. every hour i had to rush to the toilet. fever was rising. waiting for sarip to finish work was the longest wait i had to endure in my entire whole life.

went to the clinic for a checkup.

result: negative.


nevertheless, i'm okay now. no excuse not to go to tm night award tonight. hehe


sis I said...

U look like an adorable baby cutie! Sihat & syukur what's given to you in life. Baby??? Maybe ur baby waiting for Odah kot? Tunggu & lihat.....

sera_a said...

tetibe odah dulu..
oh tidakkk!!!