Mar 31, 2009

what happens if he ends up like one of the banglas?

on the way to work, stopped by a gas station..

him: i'll never forget when i worked at a gas pump. i just feel so sorry for myself.

me: huh? why would you feel sorry for yourself?did you feel like a bangla? (jokingly)

him: no lah. i had to work so that i can go on a date. lagipun my parents tak bagi pocket money time cuti. wow, gila la bila pikir balik.

me: to go on a date? tapi kita kan jarang dating dulu. so, mana duit kerja you tu pergi?

him: hey, dating dgn u la. i used that money to buy you a birthday present and treat you dinner. habis rm200 sekaligus.

me: oh yeah. i forgot that. mana i bagi u presents masa bercinta2 dulu. sebab tu i kaya. hahahaha. but then, mesti you rasa paid off kan, ending up married to me. if not, mesti menyesal tak sudah.

him: yelah, kalau tak memang nak kene la. kalau tak appreciate jugak memang saja je.

me: hep! i appreciate now okay. i give you presents now. and lebih penting, attention and kasih sayang. kalau dulu yela, buat ape nak bagi benda2 kat orang yang tak pasti lagi..kalau tertiba tak end up, kan dah membuang masa dan duit?

him: hmmph...

that got me thinking. how much you take for granted of a person. you know you miss it when that thing is no longer yours. baru nak terkejar-kejar balik. sometimes, you'll get it back and will appreciate more but for some of us, we could miss it by minutes and spend the rest of our lives regretting. of what should've happened. or not.

i'm glad that i got the second chance.


sis i said...

Kecian dulu abis RM$200 for dinner. Now abiskan masa cooking nasilemak saripdol...free2 cum over & cook for us lah.

rumaisa lee said...

haha.sian sarip.
abes sacrifice utk ko la nh eh.

Zetty said...

Kesiannya Sarip... isk isk. Macam tengok 'Bersamamu di TV3' pulak.

sera_a said...

sis i: RM200 dinner including a present. so not that expensive la kan..ok, i'll come over and cook for u both. just tell me what you want. ;p

rumaisa lee: haris ada x sacrifice tuk ko? huh

zetty: kau ni, ada plak mcm gile kental! hahah

why everyone kesian kat sarip ni?!!!he got me after all...:)

sis i said...

Lagi kecian sarip dapat u...imagine all the $$$$$ goes to u. No lah kidding je. Wishing u both an everlasing blissful marriage. Amin.

sera_a said...

hahaha kak i wish all the $$$$$ go to me but sadly no...but i think a blissful marriage tops all the money in the world..(gile corny!)