Jul 29, 2008

clueless ~ money

i have shitloads of work.

and here i am, blogging away. while waiting for that person to email me details for the invitations.

sometimes i believe that 'we make money, not money maketh us'. the reason why is that if we dont have good money then how are we going to buy good stuffs like clothes, makeups, shoes, handbags and whatnot (all of these are my essentials). and in order to make us look good, we need money. ngahahaha. very the confusing one. nad why are logo free bags are ridiculously expensive? but i yearn for them...

i think i am on the brink of depression. not as in the mental case, i hope. i have been thinking why is it that money is the root to everything, good or bad? people rob because of money. they kill for money. and to certain extent, people donate for money too. and our government? feeds on 'duit haram'.

i am so depressed.

i have a list that i want to buy. but i cant because of money. its not that i dont have the money but its the thought of having to be careful in spending. and moreover since the oil price hike, everything has increases outrageously.

pray tell me, where is the relevance when you have work your ass off and you are not entitled at all for a small pleasure because everything is so damn expensive and you can hardly survive. and some of you might know my definition of surviving. which of course you deserve it since you earn it right?

and it doesnt help that the company you work for doesnt understand your position. i dont know whether they are being stupid or blind or just donesnt want to know of the current situation.

god, i need to change work. somewhere near to home so that at least i can save on the fuel. can you believe that before this my budget for gas is RM300 and now is RM500? so who can relieve my shit now?

and i so want to go on holidays. and i dont care whether its going to kill me but im definitely will go. so book me a ticket okay?

i hate bonds. i hate being bonded. i hate contracts. my soul is free so let me be free. and again the reason i cant be free, MONEY.


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